1. German is the most widely used language in the European Union. German is the sole official language in Germany, Austria and Lichtenstein, while it is one of such in Switzerland, Belgium and Luxembourg. Around 100 million native German speakers reside in Europe.

2. All nouns in German start with capital letters.

3. German is mainly feminine, as nearly half of nouns are in the feminine gender while masculine reaches one third and one fifth is in the neuter gender.

4. “A girl” in German is in the neuter gender though. No panic here however, that`s only peculiarities of grammar! As a matter of fact, all nouns with a suffix “-chen” are used in neuter gender.

5. German is known and famous for possibly the longest words in the world. German allows joining many words into one. Significantly long words are not common in daily use of the language, but they are more applied in formal contexts, for example: Rinderkennzeichnungsfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz (law on delegation of duties for supervision of cattle marking and beef labeling), Kraftfahrzeughaftpflichtversicherung (motor vehicle liability insurance).